Learn a new language in only 10 minutes a day!
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Welcome to Kaleeka.com
Kaleeka Press is a small publishing company based in the Greater Toronto, Area (GTA) Canada. We produce quality self-directed French and Spanish language programs used in schools and homeschool programs across Canada and the USA. We have sold over 100,000 books! Parents, teachers and kids love us and have continued to do so for over 20 years!
Here are a few reasons why:

Our program guides students through the right sequence of skills and vocabulary at the perfect pace. If it's too fast, the student will not retain what is learned. If the pace is too slow, the student will lose focus and attention. It's also important that the concepts are not too difficult to follow. Our program makes learning easy for everyone. Easy is important!

Learning a language in a class can be embarrassing, especially with proper pronunciation. Our program offers privacy to the student with a focus on pronunciation so the learner will be able to pronunciate correctly every time! Once each unit is repeated 9 or 10 times, as recommended, the student will have mastered it and be ready to move on. Each unit only takes 10 minutes to do!

The best proven way to learn and retain a language is to speak as much as possible. Our program provides 10 minutes of "speaking" every day! There are no separate comprehension exercises, because comprehension happens while speaking also with the help of many illustrations. As long as the student SPEAKS OUT LOUD, this program works brilliantly!

Learning a language should be easy because its the most natural thing in the world! Our program is easy and fun, whether our students are 4 years old or 94 years old!